Introduction to Counselling Workshop

Introduction to Counselling Workshop

Are you interested in becoming a counsellor?

Date: TBC

Time: 10am – 3pm

Cost: £90 (includes refreshments and a light lunch)

This workshop will be delivered face-to-face on site.

  • Are you thinking about training to become a counsellor and would like to find out more?
  • Would you like to enhance your listening and communication skills?
  • Are you interested in the way in which people communicate verbally and non-verbally?

This workshop is open to anyone who is curious about counselling and who wants to find out more, perhaps as a step towards further training or for their own personal or professional development. 

This one day workshop will include:

  • How to develop active listening skills.
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication, responding, mirroring and summarising.
  • How to begin to listen and respond effectively.
  • How to receive and provide constructive feedback.
  • Communication skills within the group.
  • How to build your confidence when dealing with difficult situations.
  • How to recognise and to develop areas for personal growth.

No previous experience is necessary to take part in this workshop which aims to enable individuals to learn about the complexities of how and why individuals communicate as they do.

Learning, exploration and discovery will be by active participation in an informal setting and from a psychodynamic perspective.

The day will be facilitated by an experienced trainer who is also a BACP Accredited Psychodynamic Psychotherapist.

Book your place here


For course bookings and administrative queries:
Contact: Agnieszka Majewska
Course Administrator
Tel No: 020 8371 0180

For enquiries about the Counselling Referral Service contact:
Counselling Administrator
Tel No: 020 8371 0180

For all other queries:
Contact: Alex Moss
Tel No: 020 8371 0180


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Applications for the Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling 2025/26 will be accepted from February 2025.

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Introduction to Counselling Workshop

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